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The Caesar Rodney Band Parents Association


The Caesar Rodney Band Parents Association (CRBPA) is a 501 c3 organization that benefits performance-based music activities including, but not limited to, the Rider Marching Band, Indoor Winter Guard, symphonic bands, and jazz ensembles.

Meetings of the Caesar Rodney Band Parents Association are held on the first Tuesday of every month at 7:30 PM in the Caesar Rodney High School music room.  (Exceptions: August meeting - 7:00 in the auditorium and no July meeting) All parents of Instrumental Music Department students are welcome to join the Caesar Rodney Band Parents Association.  Monthly meeting dates and minutes will be available.

For meeting updates, click on the Calendar tab.

Important Links (click to access):

CRBPA Handbook

New Band Parent Information Sheet

What are the benefits of joining CRBPA?
It is a great way to be involved in your child’s activities. It is also a great way to make new friends, both with other parents as well as getting to know the other students. The success of the program depends on your commitment! Joining the CRBPA also ensures that your CR Band student earns points. Points are gained by parent volunteer hours. Points transfer into money that goes towards your child's travel fund for our bi-annual trip to Walt Disney World! 

How do I join the CRBPA?
We ask that you fill out this membership form and send this in with your child and your $5 membership fee (cash or check made out to CRHS).  Dues are $5/family/year. You can also drop off this form and money to the CRHS Main Office and they will pass it along to us. We will accept new band parents any time throughout the year. Once you're a member, you can join our Facebook Group:
Click here to join the CRBPA 2022-2023 Member Facebook Group 
What does the CRBPA do?
Attend monthly booster meetings to stay informed on all things happening in the instrumental music department. Booster meetings occur on the first Tuesday of the month in the high school band room and are on the official band calendar. Our volunteer opportunities are under the “Volunteer” link up above on the main navigation menu click it and see all the different ways you can get involved. One way to help is Chaperoning – the best way to get to know other students and parents. Volunteer! We have a spot for you, whether it be helping serve food to the students, stitching up uniforms, asking businesses to sponsor the band, pulling our band trailers, loading equipment onto the trailers, holding fundraisers, joining one of our many committees – there are numerous different committees to suit any interest including event planning, fundraising, membership management, and travel.​​

Any more questions?
Please email to contact our CRBPA President Elect, Steve Auer.


© Copyright 2020 | CRHS Bands | All Rights Reserved 

Last Updated 2/20/25
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